Babcock Ranch, Lee Health leaders light it up with friendly power competition

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Babcock Ranch Developer Syd Kitson, and Lee Health president and CEO Larry Antonucci, and their teams took part in a friendly competition at the ribbon cutting ceremony for Lee Health’s Healthy Life Center at Babcock Ranch. The facility has the first electricity-generating workout equipment in the US, and that’s just one of the elements that […]

America’s First Solar Community Coming To Life In Florida

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Fox News reporter, Phil Keating reports on the progress of the development that hopes to become America’s first self-sustaining city, Babcock Ranch. It’s now the country’s first, fully solar city. A dream starting to come true for new residents, like Josh and Jasmin Day. To watch the full segment click here.

Five Reasons to Consider Buying a Sustainable Home

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In the last few decades, people have been getting more conscious about conserving the environment. As a result, sustainable homes are expediting in popularity among prospective home buyers. Typically, sustainable homes boast eco-friendly and sustainable materials and building processes. They are built to use less non-renewable resources and create less of an impact on the […]

What Makes an Eco-Friendly City?

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At Babcock Ranch, eco-friendly is not a term we throw around lightly. To us, and all the residents who live here, eco-friendly is a lifestyle — from the resources we use to the transportation we take. We believe eco-friendly cities are the future of sustainable living and we can’t wait to have you join the […]

What is a “15-Minute City?”

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Can you walk, in 15 minutes, to the farmer’s market to pick up food for the week? Can you take a 15-minute walk and end up in a green space or park? Does 15 minutes of walking or biking from your home get you into the center of town to go to the gym, get […]