Rich Visitor Experience at Babcock Ranch

Rich Visitor Experience at Babcock Ranch | Babcock Ranch

Even though it is literally just beginning to come out of the ground, a visit to Babcock Ranch, is seemingly equal parts a trip into a bygone era and a trip into the future.  As visitors turn east off 31 and approach the new town’s signature entry bridge, they are treated to views of a […]

Why Babcock Ranch is the Best Place to Retire in Florida

Why Babcock Ranch is the Best Place to Retire in Florida | Babcock Ranch

Babcock Ranch is at the forefront of new thinking about retirement. Today’s retirees want to remain active, learn new skills, participate in local government, volunteer for worthy causes and even start their own small business. What’s more, they want to live in intergenerational communities where they’re not segregated by their age. Babcock Ranch is the […]

Moving to Florida: How to Feel Welcome in a New Town

Moving to Florida How to Feel Welcome in a New Town | Babcock Ranch

Moving to Florida is exciting because you’ll feel welcome in your new town. Why are we so confident in saying that? Fact is, nearly everyone who lives in Florida today came from somewhere else. Florida was a sparsely populated state before the invention of air conditioning, so most of the population growth has been in-migration […]

Retiring to Florida: What is Retirement Like in Florida?

Retiring to Florida What is Retirement Like in Florida | Babcock Ranch

Put away your preconceived notions of what retirement is like in Florida. Truthfully, you’d be hard-pressed to find a shuffleboard court anywhere in Florida. Today’s retirees in Florida will find plenty of activities to challenge them physically and intellectually because the state has changed with modern attitudes about aging. Perhaps your perceptions of Florida were […]

Babcock Ranch: A Family Investment

Babcock Ranch A Family Investment | Babcock Ranch

When young families move to Babcock Ranch, they are investing in much more than just a home. Buying a home that’s within their budget is just the first consideration for a young family. At Babcock Ranch, parents will know investing in their children’s future because of the Babcock Neighborhood School, the clean environment and the […]

Babcock Ranch: A Builder Overview

Babcock Ranch A Builder Overview | Babcock Ranch

When developer Kitson & Partners began planning for the new town of Babcock Ranch, it sought builders who would adhere to the concepts of green building and sustainability. That’s because Babcock Ranch is on the leading edge of energy conservation as the nation’s first solar-powered community. For example, the homes’ porches and raised foundations provide […]

Bringing Sustainability to Southwest Florida

Bringing Sustainability to Southwest Florida | Babcock Ranch

Years ago, Southwest Florida developers indiscriminately dug canals and roads without any regard for the environment. If you travel the local back roads you’ll see some communities continue to live with the consequences of this lack of planning. Fast-forward to 2017: Kitson & Partners, the developer of Babcock Ranch, is bringing real sustainability to Southwest […]

Stock Development’s Bartow model now open at Babcock Ranch

Stock Developments Bartow model now open at Babcock Ranch | Babcock Ranch

BABCOCK RANCH — Kitson & Partners announced that Stock Development has completed construction of its furnished Bartow model at Babcock Ranch, a new 18,000-acre eco-centric, solar powered town being developed by Kitson, east of Fort Myers off State Road 31 in Charlotte County, north of the Lee Civic Center. Located in Lake Timber, the town’s first neighborhood, the […]

Lake Timber Lake House nearing completion at Babcock Ranch

Lake Timber Lake House nearing completion at Babcock Ranch | Babcock Ranch

Kitson & Partners announced that construction of the Lake House neighborhood center within the Lake Timber neighborhood at Babcock Ranch will be complete by the end of this month. Babcock Ranch is a new 18,000-acre eco-centric, solar powered town being developed by Kitson east of Fort Myers, off State Road 31 in Charlotte County, north […]

Retiring to Florida? Consider Babcock Ranch

Retiring to Florida Consider Babcock Ranch | Babcock Ranch

Now you’ll see Babcock Ranch among the top three master-planned communities in Florida because it’s at the vanguard of the new retirement. Fact is, the Baby Boom generation won’t settle for their parents’ rocking-chair or golf-for-life retirement. Today’s retirees today don’t want to be segregated by age or live in isolation behind gates. They want […]