Babcock Ranch featured on 60 Minutes

aerial view of the Babcock Ranch bridge

While hard-hit Fort Myers, Florida, continues its recovery from Hurricane Ian, some hope can be found 12 miles to the northeast at the planned community of Babcock Ranch. That’s where Syd Kitson and his partners built an environmentally friendly, fully sustainable town that they hoped would be hurricane proof. Kitson, an eco-conscious developer and former […]

Babcock Ranch’s Innovation Way featured in The News-Press & Naples Daily News

aerial shot of Babcock Ranch

The News-Press and Naples Daily New covered the unveiling of Babcock Ranch’s Innovation Way with their Real Estate section cover story, Babcock features homes of the future. Read the full article here or check out the digital version here. The News-Press also included a photo gallery of the homes’ technology and interiors that can be […]

Babcock Ranch Exceeds 2,000 Home Sales

Downtown Babcock Ranch Will Be Open for Business in Early 2017 | Babcock Ranch

BABCOCK RANCH, Fla. (April 5, 2022) – Babcock Ranch has sold more than 2,000 homes and is on pace for another record-setting year. Recognized as the country’s 14th fastest-selling master-planned community in 2021 by RCLCO Real Estate Advisors, the town reported 714 homes sold in 2021. “This is a significant milestone from a development perspective […]

Babcock Ranch named No. 14 top-selling master-planned community in the country

babcock streetscape view | Babcock Ranch

America’s first solar-powered town reports more than 700 new contracts in 2021 BABCOCK RANCH, Fla. (Jan. 11, 2021) – Kitson & Partners announced that Babcock Ranch, America’s first solar-powered town, has been recognized as the No. 14 top-selling master-planned community of 2021 by RCLCO Real Estate Advisors. The recognition reflects the record sales of more […]