Sustainable Opulance

Custom Home Builders

Reflect Your Style

Showcase your personality with a sustainably built custom home at Babcock Ranch.

An Elevated Homebuying Experience

Custom Home Builders at Babcock Ranch

Discerning homebuyers looking for a luxurious new home that portrays their unique personalities will love working with the custom home builders at Babcock Ranch. Our custom builders offer personalized service along the entire home building process to deliver an exceptionally sustainable home with captivating details and functionality that best suit your needs.

AR Homes by Arthur Rutenberg

AR Homes by Arthur Rutenberg

Arthur Rutenberg has been building homes in Florida for more than 50 years, always elevating the art and business of custom homebuilding to a higher level. Building custom-designed, single-family lake-view homes in Lake Babcock, AR Homes by Arthur Rutenberg offers all the advantages of a large building company with the benefits of local, personalized service. Homes starting over $1 million.

Divco Custom Homes

Since 1984, Divco Custom Homes has been crafting and creating some of Southwest Florida’s most recognizable luxury custom homes. Divco specializes in creating custom homes that showcase your lifestyle, offer homeowners a sanctuary, and are an expression of their personalities. They’ve earned a reputation as one of the premier custom home builders in the nation. Homes starting over $1 million.

Exterior of Divco Custom Home at Babcock Ranch
Exterior of a single-story, 3-car garage Florida Lifestyles Home at Babcock Ranch

Florida Lifestyle Homes

Florida Lifestyle Homes has been creating high-quality homes of exceptional design in Southwest Florida since 1993. The Florida Lifestyle Homes team delivers uncompromising craftsmanship, functional design and captivating detail to every home – each of which features spacious interiors and amazing outdoor living spaces.
Homes starting over $1 million.

Visit Babcock Ranch

Babcock Ranch is the kind of place you must experience in person at least once in your life.